Enjoying the traditional Ger. Since the weather is cold the staff lit the fire which is placed in the middle of the Ger. Boy does it get hot quickly. Caught up on washing, etc and slept in the afternoon. Had 2 Chinese visitors who spoke very good English. Then blow me down a large cow [...]
Archive for the ‘Diary’ Category
June 14th

Up again at 4.30am after being woken by a windy sand storm at 2.30. Luckily we had made a decision to tie the tents to the cars. The wind had stopped by the time we were packing up at 4.30. Today was to make Ulaanbaatar. Had a few photo stops of various interesting places. Kevin [...]
June 13th

Up at daybreak 4.30am. None of us slept that well due to the passing trucks and being a novelty to a car passing by. We had our first freeze dried breakfast of scrambled eggs, hash browns and bacon. Great food. All we do is put 2 cups of water in the bag, leave for 10mins [...]
June 12th

Travelled to Mongolian border today saying goodbye to our Chinese guides. It took three hours to complete all the paper work for leaving China. While waiting at the boarder a Landcruiser and mini van arrived laden up with produce. Six and eleven people respectively also got out of these vehicles. We couldn’t believe what we [...]
June 11th

Up at 6am to sort the gear into the car so we could go to breakfast at 7am. That was a waste of time, only thing on the menu for white man was fried egg so that was it. Departed Jining 8 am’ish , glad to see the end of it. Another day of beaut [...]
June 10th

We woke at 4am as the sun lit the sky outside our window, stole another half hour then a coffee and packing the car 6am and away to the NZ embassy. Flagged away by Ambassador Tony Brown at 7am and our adventure has really begun. Out of Peking and onto amazing two lane motorways for [...]
June 8th

Kevin spent the morning reorganising the car in 36degs. the car seems to be getting smaller by the day. One of the group had found Walmart 2 kms from the hotel, so we headed there for some last minute items before leaving. This shop is not nearly as good as the ones in America. However [...]
June 7th

Nothing much to report. Kevin spent the day between sleeping and the bathroom. Asian food. Sandra caught up on postcards and washing then went out to the Beijing acrobatics which she said was truly amazing. Front row seats and tea with nibbles thrown in. Nothing much to report. Kevin spent the day between sleeping and [...]
June 6th

Up at 9am for the usual hotel smorgasbord. Quite a welcome change from the Asian dishes. Time to fill up the cars with all our possessions and a bit of a sort out then another banquet lunch . We then displayed the cars at the front of the hotel for photos followed by a short [...]
June 5th

Today we traveled to Tianjin and the port Customs at Tanggu. The bus driver got lost but finally found our container park. The containers were right on the boundary fence. After some initial paper shuffling we were allowed on site through the security fence and the seals were removed. The cars were all intact and [...]